Administrators can log into web services through our website, Once at, click on the "Administrators" button at the top right corner of the web page. See the yellow Administrators button in the image below.

When an administrator clicks on the yellow Administrators button, the next screen to come up will display the form pictured below titled "Administrator Sign In". To sign in the administrator needs to type in the 4 or 5-digit Customer Number and then the password.

A successful login results in a screen similar to the following (more information below image):

This screen has four tabs labeled as follows: Web Services, Desktop Software, Account Information, and Administrators.

Web Services Tab:

The Web Services Tab shows what services to which your golf group has subscribed (see above image). Also listed on this tab is the expiration date for the services.

From the Web Services Tab administrators can click on the "Administration Panel" link which allows them to work with a product such as
GolfSoftware (online) including Website Builde and Signups.

Desktop Software Tab:

The Desktop Software Tab shows what pieces of software your group has licensed to use. These could include League Manager, Tournament Manager and Handicap System (local computer version). This tab also has pertinent information about each software package your group has such as...

  • version number
  • purchase date
  • registration code
  • download link (from which you can download and install the software)
  • what's new in the latest version

Account Information Tab:

The account information Tab gives you access to a new area with contact information plus the password.

From this screen above, the following information is available:
  • Your profile (change password and contact information here)
  • Make a payment
  • Update billing information such as a new credit card or credit card with new expiration date
  • Check your subscriptions
  • Review your orders

When you click on the link, "Click to see your account 'Login'" (see above image), your come to the following image below. You can change your password, update your billing information and more from these links.

Administrators Tab:

From the Administrators tab you are able to add as many administrators as your subscription type allows. Each administrator can have their own password. You can also assign permissions to each administrator. The bottom image describes those permissions.